What is integral presence ?

Integral Presence can be seen both as a practice and as a result.

As a result, Integral Presence means living one’s full potential in a natural flow with oneself, others and the world. “Being in IP” is living every single moment experience with integral awareness while mindfully evolving forward in life. It is the art of living life fully and consciously.

As a method, Integral Presence is as a range of concepts and techniques to acquire the art of living life fully and consciously. With mindfulness we develop a basic awareness from which to welcome and perceive our reality. With the body scan we get more into our bodies and (re)rediscover a fine relationship with a whole range of physical sensations. Conscious breathing opens the way, not only for health and balance, but also to more subtle dimensions of life.

Any challenges in life can be addressed with several Integral Presence tools like self-reflection, personality integration, grounding, mind balancing, alignment, the transformation cycle, constellation integration, the neutral observer … just to name a few.

Learn online

Here you find the theoretical and practical discovery of Integral Presence (IP). With IP you can develop your sensitivity for presence while increasing your direct perception of the totality of who you are.

Here you discover the essential components of the Integral Presence. With simple and accessible exercises you get familiar with the all the aspects and dimensions of who you are.

About Jan

Jan has created and co-created several programs for personal development and healing skills: Integral Presence®, Aquatic Healing®, Énergies Subtiles®, Hara Dynamiek, TransformationTraining, Sons Divins, … and has taught hundreds of students in short term and in long term training programs. About 20.000 people from all walks of life have found their way to Jan for Integral Coaching: a means of guidance to liberate the full potential of all dimensions into a coherent whole.


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